How's the book going Mark?

A brief update of the progress on my book Testing Web APIs

How's the book going Mark?
A man with his head in his hands looking over a laptop and surrounded by film making equipment

Since announcing back in June that I am writing a book with Manning Publication I get asked regularly:

How's the book going, Mark?
When will the book be ready?

Well, allow me to give a brief update on what's been happening since June.

Current progress

It's been an interesting few months, as a couple of weeks after announcing the book, I became a dad again, and priorities changed. However, I have completed the first draft for 10 of the 12 chapters at the time of writing, which puts me over two thirds complete. I intend to complete the last two chapters before the end of the year, giving myself and the publisher the first quarter of next year to finish edits and get the book ready for printing.

It's been a lot of work, but I feel I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, which encourages me to get things finished.

New chapters released to MEAP

If you have purchased a copy of my book through Manning's MEAP process. Thank you. Your support also encourages me to finish this book. Don't forget that you can send me feedback and comments via MEAP as you read each chapter. I read all feedback and consider it when improving the book, so the more I get, the better it will become!

With that in mind, I'm pleased to announce we've expanded the chapters in the MEAP version of the book with:

  • An updated version of chapter one
  • Chapters 3 and 4

As we come to a close with the first draft work, the plan is to release a new chapter each month for MEAP. So check back regularly for new chapters.

Pick up a copy today

If you'd like to learn more about Testing Web APIs and help me improve my booking. You can purchase a copy of Testing Web APIs on the Manning books website.